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These books want to enhance the serenity and joy that brings a sincere friendship, a good education and especially good parents. But my books also want to advise not to make hasty decisions dictated by anger, but to seek solutions to problems within themselves. These books are published in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. luigi savagnone libri

I Say Goodbye   luigi savagnone libri



The book tells the story of Anna and Lucia, two girls of Italian origin who after a happy childhood in Borneo, for an outburst decide to leave to settle in Italy. Arrived in Sicily encounter many difficulties in entering into a very closed society. They manage to find a job and even with a certain help a life partner. Have the opportunity to visit some of the beauties of Sicily,as the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and Siracusa, but also in Rome with the splendid Vatican city and other monuments and places, Florence with its famous cathedral and its museums, Pisa with its leaning tower and Venice with its gondolas, the Piazza San Marco, the Doge's Palace and its famous small islands. Everything seemed to go well. Then something happens…
In the novel, which can be defined, easy to read and has a happy ending, however, are treated different topics of scientific, philosophical, architectural and cultural heritage. 

A World of Happiness  luigi savagnone libri



Plot: the protagonist decides to make himself a small boat to be able to find solace to his ailments in the sea, but receives a letter in which he was told that he was hired at the bank. In his new job he is very bad, and for that pretends to be sick to take a vacation in the Sahara. After many misadventures, which threatens the life, is able to return and resume work. But yet another insult suffered by superiors, convince him to resign, take the small boat and venture out into the sea. Here he meets a mermaid who invites him in her amazing underwater world, but ..

This book is dedicated to the men humble, not arrogant, but strong and sure of themselves.


Imagining a Tomorrow  luigi savagnone libri


​Among rantings due to a growing daily stress a narrator tells the story of Anna and Lucia, two girls of Italian origin, who after spending a childhood and a peaceful and happy childhood in Borneo discovered a love affair between their parents, so disgusted, they decide to leave and reach Italy. Here find a very closed society, resulting in great difficulty in entering and get to know people. However, they manage to find a permanent job, but it soon proves a real torture. They are also able to find a partner, but with the help of a marriage agency. Here begin the visits to some of the most important places and monuments of Sicily, but also of Rome, Florence, Pisa and Venice, where Anna spends her honeymoon. This is illustrated by several images and accurate historical reconstructions. When for the two friends finally everything seemed to go for the best, something happens ... In this first part, which can be defined a fable with a final suspense, however, are treated different topics of scientific, philosophical, architectural and cultural heritage. But this romance stimulates the narrator in an uncontrollable desire to escape from the monotonous and meaningless life he leads, then decides to take a vacation that will soon prove a series of tragicomic adventures. Upon returning he battered at work, becomes the object of the usual jokes from colleagues and reproaches from his boss. This is the straw that breaks the camel in his clouded mind, and causes an irresistible urge to drop everything and everyone. With a small boat so he faces the open sea in search of the freedom that in his squalid life has never been able to. He finds the love of a mermaid and live an extraordinary adventure into the depths. But the misfortune is always lurking ... This book is dedicated to women simple, but clever, and to men humble, not arrogant, but strong and self-confident.

2 Sole in Sicilia  luigi savagnone libri



Trama:  Anna e Lucia sono due ragazze di origine italiana, che dopo aver trascorso un'infanzia ed una fanciullezza serena e felice nel Borneo, scoperta una tresca amorosa tra i loro genitori, disgustate decidono di partire e di raggiungere l'Italia. Qui, trovandosi spaesate per gli usi e costumi completamente differenti dai loro, trovano una società molto chiusa con conseguente grande difficoltà ad inserirsi e fare conoscenze. Riescono tuttavia a trovare un posto di lavoro fisso, che però si rivela ben presto una vera tortura. Ognuna di esse trova anche un partner, ma con l'aiuto di una agenzia matrimoniale. Qui iniziano le visite ad alcuni monumenti e luoghi più importanti e famosi della Sicilia, ma anche di Roma, Firenze e Venezia, dove Anna passa la sua luna di miele. Lucia invece si fidanza con un architetto che le promette un futuro roseo e prosperoso. Tutto ciò è illustrato da parecchie immagini e precise ricostruzioni storiche. Quando, per le due amiche tutto sembrava andare finalmente per il meglio, qualcosa accade...
Nel romanzo, che si può definire "rosa", sono tuttavia trattati diversi argomenti di interesse scientifico, filosofico, architettonico e culturale. Questo romanzo è dedicato alle donne semplici, ma colte e intelligenti

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